How to measure tree root growth in a forest

France_INRAE & IRD _ By: Jean-Luc Maeght, Merlin Ramel, Ammar Shihan, Quentin Le Blaye, Stéphane Fourtier, Alexia Stokes

Root systems are usually considered as the ‘hidden half’ of trees because they are difficult to see and to measure. Yet the health of roots is important for trees as they provide the water and nutrients necessary for good tree growth, whilst also anchoring the tree in the ground. We describe a basic method for measuring tree root production, elongation and mortality within a forest.

Data obtained can be used to understand root phenology and peaks of growth throughout the year. When used in combination with the monitoring of crown and trunk growth, data can provide an all-round indication of tree development over time.

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Modification date: 06 March 2024 | Publication date: 31 January 2024 | By: Jean-Luc Maeght, Merlin Ramel, Ammar Shihan, Quentin Le Blaye, Stéphane Fourtier, Alexia Stokes