
The eco2adapt project, funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation action, brings together a team of 31 experts organisations from Europe and China specialising in forestry, ecology and climate change.

This project is all about finding eco-friendly ways to protect our forests in Europe and China. We want to make sure we plant the right trees in the right places, taking into account nature and biodiversity. We want to create smart and practical solutions that will help our forests thrive for generations to come. With the support of local communities, we're working on new ideas for managing forests to keep them healthy and resilient in the face of challenges such as climate change.

Our aim is to ensure that future generations can benefit forests that are not only beautiful, but also sustainable. We're using innovative approaches to make sure our forests are taken care of in the best possible way. Join us on this journey to protect and preserve our precious forests for the future!


25 November 2024

By: Communication Team

eco2adapt's Newsletter Volume 2, Series 2

Newsletter #4 _ October, 2024 Editor: Dr. Tahamina Khanam

23 August 2024

By: Ammar SHIHAN

6th International Conference: Soil Bio- and Eco-engineering

6th International Conference on The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability Xalapa, Mexico, 30 June – 4th July 2025
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Newsletter #3 _ April, 2024 _ eco2adapt: A surge of rapid progress and global engagement

Newsletter Bandeau-1.png

Newsletter #1 _ April, 2023 _ Subscribe and read our first newsletter!


eco2adapt interviews Journal Editors ​​​

Friends of eco2adapt


03 February 2025

By: Communication Team

Hans Lambers, Editor-in-chief of the journal Plant and Soil

To eco2adapt

03 February 2025

By: Communication Team

Maurizio Mencuccini, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Tree Physiology

To eco2adapt

Sister Projects

OptFor-EU : OPTimising FORest management decisions for a low-carbon, climate resilient future in Europe

The 4-year project (2023-2027) ‘OPTimising FORest management decisions for a low-carbon, climate resilient future in Europe’ (OptFor-EU) will support EU forests in their capacity to mitigate and adapt to climate change. 16 partners from 9 countries will work together to co-develops a Decision Support System (DSS) with forest managers and other forest stakeholders, that provides them with suitable climate adaptation and mitigation options for science-based optimising forest ecosystem services (FES) (including decarbonisation) and enhancing forest resilience and its capacities to mitigate climate change across Europe.


OptFORESTS : Harnessing forest genetic resources for increasing options in the face of environmental and societal challenges

The main mission of OptFORESTS is to support the protection and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe by strengthening cooperation and knowledge sharing to promote climate change adaptation and biodiversity-friendly forestry practices.