China_Hainan Island Living Lab

Living Lab name - Country: Hainan- China.

Responsible  institution: Ecology and Nature Conservation Institute,Chinese Academy of Forestry.

Responsible person: Runguo Zang.


Living Lab information:

Soil type (depth): Latosols (80~100cm).

Species and variety:

  1. Tropical lowland rainforest: Vatica mangachapoi, Litchi chinensis, Monoon laui,Hopea hainanensis, Beilschmiedia,Cryptocarya, etc.
  2. Tropical monsoon forest: Terminalia nigrovenulosa, Lagerstroemia balansae, Lannea coromandelica,  Albizia, etc.
  3. Tropical mountain rainforest: Dacrydium pectinatum, Pentaphylax euryoides, Xanthophyllum hainanense, Castanopsis hystrix, etc.
  4. Tropical mountain evergreen forest: Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Theaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Pinus, Keteleeria, etc.
  5. Tropical montane elfin forest: Rhododendron moulmainense, Distylium racemosum, Ternstroemia gymnanthera, Myrsine affinis, etc. 
  6. Tropical coniferous forest: Pinus latteri, Aporosa dioica, Phyllanthus emblica, Albizia odoratissima, Cratoxylum cochinchinense, etc. 

Typical increase in tree biomass: Young-secondary forest (Initial stand age: 18-30yr): 91.4 ± 7.7 Mg/ha;
Old-secondary forest (60yr):158.0 ± 6.6 Mg/ha;
Old-growth forest (had not experienced human disturbance): 353.2 ± 6.5 Mg/ha.

Current forest/vegetation type: Tropical lowland rainforest, Tropical monsoon forest,Tropical mountain rainforest, Tropical mountain evergreen forest, Tropical montane elfin forest.

Types of ecosystems protected: Tropical lowland rainforest, Tropical monsoon forest,Tropical mountain rainforest, Tropical mountain evergreen forest, Tropical montane elfin forest.

Area size: 85666 ha.

Geographical information: Bawangling Branch is located in the southwest of Hainan Island, bordering Baisha County in the north and east, Changjiang County in the west, and Dongfang City in the south. Geographical latitude and longitude: 18°48 '-19 °12' N, 108°55 '-109 °17' E.

Current forest/vegetation type: Tropical lowland rainforest, Tropical monsoon forest,Tropical mountain rainforest, Tropical mountain evergreen forest, Tropical montane elfin forest.


Bawangling area of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is rich in wildlife resources, which is called "green treasure house" and "species gene bank". Hainan gibbon, the most endangered primate species in the world, is only distributed in Bawangling, and is listed as a national level I key protected animal, with a population of only 6 groups of 37 individuals. It is a true native "resident" of Hainan Island and an indicator species of the integrity and authenticity of Hainan's tropical rainforest ecosystem.

Type of restoration in the Living Lab: Secondary tropical natural forest after human disturbance.

Restoration goals: Tropical natural old-growth forest with high biodiversity.

Restoration scientific challenges: Policies and financial support for natural forest protection.

Restoration potential upscaling: Secondary tropical natural forest after human disturbance.

Nature Contribution to People: It provides important scientific basis and technical support for macro decision-making of ensuring national ecological construction and realizing social sustainable development.

Current management: Strict protection.

Land use history: Shifting cultivation, Selective logging, Clear cutting.

Key protected species in the LL: There are 5 species of first class protected plants (Cycas minyue, Paopelia, Macrophyllum, Meihua Orchid, Paphiopedilum calycalyx), and 95 species of second class protected plants (Keeleria hainanensis, green plum, etc.); There are also more than 110 species of orchids and 335 species of fungi. In December 2017, the five-finger divine tree (Dacrydium pierrei)and Homalium ceylanicum (mother) in the jurisdiction were listed as the most beautiful ancient trees in China by the Chinese Society of Forestry (only these two trees in Hainan were listed, and a total of 85 trees in the country).