Lithuania Living Lab

Living Lab name - Country: Dzukija National Park Living Lab - Lithuania

Responsible  institution: Vytautas Magnus University

Responsible person: Gediminas Brazaitis

Contact e-mail:


Type of restoration in the Living Lab: Forest landscape restoration, semi-natural grasslands, wildlife.

Restoration goals: A Living lab that hosts a range of natural patterns and processes.

Restoration scientific challenges: Business as usual forest production for timber, stakeholder engagement and agreement, meeting topdown policy aspects.

Restoration potential upscaling: Huge potential for tested and proven methods to be allpied through out Lithuania.

Nature Contribution to People: Highly important natural forest landscape that delivers a large range of ecosystem services.

Living Lab information:

Area size : The Dzūkija national park living lab (DNPLL) in Lithuania covers 58 334 ha. The landcovers comprise of 83% forests (48 589 ha), 2% water bodies (1 179 ha), 1% wetlands (435 ha), 6% agricultural areas (3 211 ha), 3% artificial covers (1 597 ha) and 6% other land coverages (3 324 ha)

Types of ecosystems protected: 

Lichen Scots pine forests, transition mires and quaking bogs, mineral-rich springs and springfens, deciduous swamp woods, western taiga, herb-rich forests with Picea abies, inland dunes with open Corynephorus and Agrostis grasslands, xeric sand calcareous grasslands, alluvial meadows, alluvial forest, natural dystrophic lakes and ponds, water courses.

Current forest/vegetation type: 

Forest area :47 311 ha, Scots Pine (pinus sylvestris) (90%), Silver birch (Betula pendula)(4%), Norway spruce (Picea abies)(2%), Black alder (Alnus glutinosa) (3%), aspen (Populus tremula)(<1%), English oak (Quercus robur) (<1%), Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) (<1%) and other <1%.

Key protected species in the LL

Biodiversity of Dzūkija National Park is very rich. DNP is inhabited of approximately 4339 plant, animal and fungi species. Total plant species number is 1197 (of which 210 are moss species, 230- algae species), total fungi and lichen species number is 1031 (mushrooms- 771 species, lichens- 258 species) and total of 2111 animal species (1690 insect species, 105 mollusc species, 38 fish species, 12 amphibian species, 7 reptile species, 202 bird species, 54 mammal species). (Dzūkija National Park Directorate, 2022). Lithuania’s red data species book includes 289 species currently inhabited in the territory or found in the past. Due to improved conservation status and population growth many species in latest Lithuania’s Red Data book (2021) were uncategorized. National Park is inhabited by 39% of total protected species. (Dzūkija National Park Directorate, 2022).

Land use history: Forestry, agriculture built on tradition.

Current management: Multiple.

Most important stakeholders and their role: In the area there are three main groups of stakeholders: (I) Forest sector including state forest enterprise and private owners seeks wood production; (II) National park administration care on conservation of biological values and development of recreation; (III) local people living in small communities with strong relation to forest. The use of forest for mushrooms, berries, other nontimber products are important part of their lifestyle and significant income

Funding (current measures): Eco2adapt.

Ownership: Public and Private.

Socio-economic opportunities&challenges: Young people leave regional areas, tourism is summer based, Lack of jobs.

Expected impact on local communities: Decreasing population, low income, decreasing number of essential local services (e.g., eductation, medical, shopping, etc).

Data collection:

Ecological and social data.



Modification date: 04 January 2024 | Publication date: 20 September 2023 | By: Communication Team