China_Pingxiang Living Lab

Living Lab name - Country: Pingxiang -China.

Responsible  institution: ECTF, Experimental Center of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry.

Responsible person: Lin Chen.


Other persons/,

Living Lab information:

Mean monthly temperature: 20.5-21.7°C.

Mean annual precipitation: 1200-1500mm.

Drought period: From October to April.

Bioclimatic type: Subtropical monsoon climate 

Soil type (depth): Oxisol (≤1 m).

Species and variety: Pinus massoniana, Cunninghamia lanceolata, various broadleaved tree species, such as Castanopis hystrix, Betula alnoides, Mytilatia laosensis, Erythrophleum fordii, Dalbergia odorifera, Quercus acutissima, Michelia macclurei, Eucalyptus robusta.

Area size: 20000ha.

Geographical information: Our Living Lab is located in Pingxiang city, Guangxi province, China.

Current forest/vegetation type: Subtropical plantation of Pinus massoniana, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Eucalyptus robusta, and various native broadleaved tree species.


Type of restoration in the Living: Restoration of Pine, Chinese fir, Eucalyptus pure plantation by mixing with precious broadleaved tree species.

Restoration goals: The conversion of pure forests to mixed forests increases the structural diversity and stability of forests, enhances the quality and value of stands, and enhances the resilience to climate change.

Restoration scientific challenges: The technical training of forest management and scientific research are urgently needed, for example, how to make full use of the power of nature, such as tree species selection and collocation, density regulation, promote natural regeneration, extend the rotation period.

Restoration potential upscaling: Similar forest plantation landscapes (dominated by large tree monocultures).

Nature Contribution to People: Provisioning ES: wood; Regulating ES: climate regulation (C sequestration), protection against natural disturbances (fire, storms, pests and diseases); Cultural ES: Experential use of wildlife and settings, hunting, mushroom picking, enjoyement of aesthetic landscapes, protection against sand dune erosion.

Current management: Intensive management of pine, Chinese fir, Eucalyptus, and various boadleaved plantations.

Ownership: State owned forests.

Socio-economic opportunities&challenges: Healthy and sustainable plantation management is face of increasing climate change (such as typhoons, rainstorms, droughts, high-temperature pests and diseases, etc.), increase of labor costs, and the balance of wood production and ecological value.

Expected impact on local communities: Job opportunities.  Protection against extreme disturbances (windstorms, extreme drought and warming) that threaten homes.  Enhanced well-being through landscape aesthetics and recreational activities (biking, hunting).

Most important stakeholders and their role: State Forestry and Grassland Administration, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Guangxi Forestry Department and Forestry Bureau, local forestry processing enterprises.

Data collection:

  • Climate data.
  • Tree and understorey plant inventories.
  • Soil water and fertility.
  • Cabon sequestration.