Greece Living Lab

Responsible  institution: AUA

Responsible person: Andreas Papadopoulos

Contact e-mail:

Possible modelling scenarios: Effect of Livestock  grazing on oak natural regeneration.

Climate characteristics:

Mean monthly temperature: 18.8°C.

Mean annual precipitation: 938 mm.

Drought period: 3.5 months, from late May to early Septembe.

Bioclimatic type: Humid with temperate winter.

Living Lab information:

Soil type (depth): Leptosols (≤1 m).

Species and variety: Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepisQuercus pubescens.

Typical increase in tree biomass: 1472 m3/ha (Hellenic Agricultural Service 2005).

Typical grassland yield: 400-1400 kg/ha (depending on the year).

Current forest/vegetation type: Phlomis fruticosa, Paliurus spina-christii, Crataegus monogyna, Asphodelus fistulosus, Asparagus acutifolius, Drimia maritima, Acanthus spinosus, Mercurialis annua, Poa bulbosa, Stellaria media, Galium aparine, Rhagadiolus stellatus.

Livestock management:

  • Species and breed: Sheep and goats.
  • Description of livestock system: Common free  grazing.
  • Date of entry to site: The whole year round .
  • Stocking density: 5.5 ha-1. 
  • Animal health and welfare issues: The breeders described a disease (they called “fever”) that causes the death of many sheep.