Fôret 1

The project activities are organised in seven work packages.


WP1 - Shaping a legacy for resilient forests through tailored innovation and  communication activities at all levels of society


• Promote eco2adapt’s results, products, and services among all potential users
• Raise awareness of key messages across the forest-value chain and society through tailored communication
• Facilitate the adaptation of eco2adapt recommendations to policy-makers
• Increase visibility for project innovations through marketing and training

WP2 - Working with stakeholders in hotspots of climate change: perception and incentivization as the keystones of changemaking policies


• Characterize contrasting LLs and mapping of stakeholders
• Understand drivers of perception and incentivization, for use in changemaking mechanisms
• Analyse how policy influences adaptation options across several political scales
• Cross-talk between regional and national level stakeholders via Decision Theatres and an EU-China Forum

WP3 - Providing solid foundations for smart tools to help multi-stakeholders create, manage and protect resilient forests


• Create a knowledge base to host data and perform ‘FAIRification’
• Develop protocols for machine learning to estimate disturbance effects and ecosystem services
• Design a portfolio of species and management tools for stakeholders

WP4 - Building multidimensional indices of adaptability and resilience in a changing climate


• Forecast mechanisms relevant to social-ecological resilience
• Quantify management and disturbance effects on ecosystem services in a landscape
• Identify robust adaptation strategies to enhance resilience and ecosystem services
• Model large-scale disturbance scenarios using a climate driven and dynamic systems approach

WP5 - Providing tools for multi-stakeholders to monitor the impact of adaptive management on forest social-ecological resilience


• Create a framework to monitor resilience, disturbance and tipping points
• Develop a legacy of tools to monitor above- and below- ground biodiversity and system health
• Produce a ToolBox for stakeholders to create and manage a resilient forest

WP6 - Changemakers –peopleand mechanisms to create new and resilient future for forests


• Evaluate and demonstrating approaches to incentivize adaptation and resilience-oriented management
• Develop changemaking mechanisms for governance
• Quantify the resilience of forests through certification
• Design innovative insurance mechanisms for resilient forests

WP7 - Coordinating and managing for a smooth-running project


• Effectively and efficiently manage all administrative, legal and financial issues
• Monitor and ensure scientific quality and coherence of eco2adapt
• Monitor and maximise the impacts, laying the foundations for legacy beyond the lifetime of the project
• Ensure effective strategic, operational, and risk management that enhances collaboration and reduces conflicts