The second Newsletter of eco2adapt is available

Newsletter #2

Discover Eco2Adapt: Resilience for Tomorrow's Forests

Are you concerned about the impact of climate change on our forests and ecosystems? Eco2Adapt, a Horizon Europe Research and Innovation project funded by the European Union, is working to combat these challenges and ensure a resilient future for our forests. In our latest newsletter, here's what you'll find:

Project Overview:

 Learn about Eco2Adapt, a five-year project with 31 partners from 11 countries, dedicated to addressing the uncertainties of climate change and promoting resilient forest ecosystems.

Research Focus and Objectives:

Dive into the six research tasks designed to understand and enhance forest ecosystem resilience, from studying climate impacts to developing decision support systems.

Specific Initiatives:

Explore our fieldwork in Lithuania's Dzukija National Park Living Lab, where we're installing Rhizotrons to study soil interactions with plant roots.

1st Annual Meeting:

Read about the successful gathering of 60 experts from international universities and research centers, discussing the project's future.

Nature-Based Solutions Institute (NBSI):

Meet our partner from Malmo, Sweden, working on innovative governance and business models for forest resilience.

Scientific News:

Stay updated on recent research articles covering forest insect and disease disturbances, climate impacts on forest productivity, and strategies for tree migration in a changing climate.

Past Events:

Explore Eco2Adapt's participation in the Silva Forest Exhibition and discussions on co-creation and co-design in research projects at the AgriResearch conference.

Future Events:

Learn about our upcoming General Assembly Meeting in Brasov, Romania, and the captivating region's significance for forests.

For a deeper dive into these topics, make sure to read our full newsletter.